Our Family

Our Family
ANCIENT CHINESE BELIEF: When a child is born invisible red threads extend from the child's spirit and connect to all the significant people who will be part of the child's life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, drawing closer those people who are destined to be together.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

He's Official!

Today we drove up to Boise to meet up with Anthony and see his swearing in for the army. He had been so nervous about all the testing, but he did really well and chose a great job that he is really excited about. Very strange feeling to have one of your kids becoming a soldier!
Here are a couple of pics from the swearing in.


Room for More said...

Congrats! He will serve our country well and protect his brother and sisters and keep us free!

Go get 'em Anthony!

lora said...

I thank God for these young men(and women) who are still willing to enlist and serve our country and protect our freedom.
You have much to be proud of.
Please let us know if he is deployed, I will pray for his safety.

Tell him Thank you from us,

Did you cry?? :)

Room for More said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHANNA JOY! We want pictures!!! ha! You have a mention on our blog....
