Our Family

Our Family
ANCIENT CHINESE BELIEF: When a child is born invisible red threads extend from the child's spirit and connect to all the significant people who will be part of the child's life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, drawing closer those people who are destined to be together.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Surgery Was A Success!

Thanks for all the prayers for Johanna during her surgery! We are back in Idaho sooner than expected, and she is recovering nicely. The doctor was very happy with how surgery went and we were very happy with the wonderful surgeon that we found and the care that we received at Cedars Sinai! We know that the Lord led us to a wonderful doctor and we are so thankful. Johanna had her strange reaction in recovery again and they ended up moving her to the pediatric ICU instead of her regular room. But once again, she snapped out of it in the middle of the night and we were able to take her home to my parents house in the morning. We are now through with the major surgeries, so our next step will be speech therapy. Well, first a long recovery with no solid foods. Johanna is NOT happy! Have you ever seen a kid refuse ice cream and beg for a saltine?! Poor little thing. Please pray that the next 6 weeks fly by quickly for her. And if you have any creative recipes that she might like please let me know!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Surgery Update

Today we finally got confirmation that Johanna's next surgery will be July 22. We will be traveling to my parents house in LA where the other kids will stay while we are in the hospital with Johanna. This will work out nicely because the kids and I can stay at my parents for as long as Johanna needs and Chuck can get back home to work. We will head home when Johanna is up to traveling. Ashley our oldest has graciously offered to stay at our house while we are gone to take care of our animals. It will be fun for her as she did most of her growing up here and will get to spend time with old friends. Please keep Johanna in your prayers! It is heartbreaking to see her go through these surgeries. In my opinion she is at the worst age to have them done. She is old enough to be aware of what is happening, but not old enough to really understand why this must be done. I just have to keep reminding myself that Gods timing is perfect and she is in His hands.